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    BSNL Jobs Recruitment Latest Notifications Updates Available at www.bsnl.co.in

    BSNL Jobs Recruitment Latest Notifications Updates Available at www.bsnl.co.in

    BSNL Jobs Recruitment  Latest Notifications Updates Available at www.bsnl.co.inBSNL Jobs Recruitment Latest Notifications Updates Available at www.bsnl.co.in: BSNL India’s largest telecom services provider, was incorporated in October 2000.Today with total revenue of 279.33 billion with net income of 88.51 billion, has its strong imprints across India with 26 operative   circles with 75.9 million-customer base.
    BSNL has virtual monopoly, in land line services and 55.76 percent in share in broadband services, and 13.50 percent share in mobile phone services.

    Communication being lifeline of every nation’s progress and vital component of country’s economy BSNL has its role to play. To keep and meet the market demands that are growing every year leaps and bounds, BSNL needs efficient and dedicated talent manpower in both technical and non technical areas. And BSNL constantly invests and sources best of the talent into its service
    As to the similar government establishments, in BSNL too, recruitments are done by the government, as well as by BSNL.

    Every year UPSC conducts ESE (Engineering Services Exam) for all the public sector establishments including BSNL.
    SSC staff selection commission conducts examination for both graduate and on graduate level exams in BSNL for both administrative and Accounts & financial service departments.
    BSNL recruits Engineering graduates as Management Trainees and JTO’s .in large numbers every year.

    All the candidates if you want to all latest BSNL Jobs Notifications 2013 available 

    For Management Trainees Engineering in IT/CSE and Mechanical, are eligible and for JTO’s Engineering in ECE, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical are eligible. Entrance test scheme comprises general ability and knowledge in concern subject and interview.

    Circle level recruitment s are done to their needs in various offices and exchanges across and all over the circle, which are essentially forms back bone to the BSNL services.
    It recruits TTA’s Telecom Technical Assistants every year, by issuing notifications in newspapers, though test will be on all India basis, candidates are allotted to their respective regions on priority.
    Entrance test comprises three papers. General ability, Basic Engineering, and concerned subject specialization.

    With good pay packet and satisfaction of working in one of the key economy growth engine, of the country and added central government tag, service in BSNL is called for.

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