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    latest KEAM 2014 Admit Card Ready for Download at www.cee-kerala.org

    KEAM 2014 Admit Card or Hall Ticket 

    Commissioner of Entrance Examinations, Kerala has been uploaded the KEAM 2014 Admit card or Hall Ticket for Kerela Engineering, Architecture and Medical Entrance examination on its official website at www.cee-kerala.org. So all those applicants who had applied online application form between January to February Month those all are able to download their admit card before examination is stated.
    As per notification KEAM Entrance examination will be held on 21st to 24 April 2014 at various centers in Kerala State. Now all process is over so that Admit card has been announced on their official website on 24th April 2014 so all candidates can download their admit card as soon as possible.
    Every year Commissioner of Entrance Examinations Department is arrange the written examination of KEAM to get admission in various Bachelor courses like MBBS, BDS, BHMS, BAMS, BSMA, B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture, B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry, BVSc. & AH, BFASc, B.Tech and B.Arch. if candidates will be get good score in entrance examination those will get admission in good colleges in Kerala.
    If candidates have any trouble or doubts then call the KEAM 201 Examination Helpline at 011-430360360 or visit official website. Candidates want their admit card these all candidates have a application number and date of birth because without this details candidates can’t download the admit card.

    Log on to official website at www.cee-kerala.org

    Here, candidates see the link of KEAM 2014 Admit card, Click on it.
    Enter all require details and press submit button.
    Admit card will be ready for download.
    Download the admit card and take a print out for further use.

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