IBPS Clerk Final Results 2014 – IBPS Clerk-III Provisional Allotment
IBPS Clerk Final Results 2014 – IBPS Clerk-III Provisional Allotment
IBPS Clerk Final Results 2014 – IBPS CWE Clerk-III Provisional Allotment for the year 2014-2015: Are you looking for IBPS CWE Clerk Final Result? The final results of IBPS Clerk recruitment for the year for 2014-15 is finally out with the completion of allotment in banks. This was a most awaited result of the year and expected for last few days as the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) had issued a notification advertisement along with the date of provisional allotment in April 2014. This time they have come up with a new interested section called ‘Reserve list’.
IBPS Clerk Final Result
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has finally declared the Common Written Examination (CWE) and Common Interview combined result for the recruitment of Bank clerk posts in various participating banks. A very large number of candidates have been Provisional selected for Clerical cadre posts in Indian nationalized banks.
IBPS had first conducted the Common Written Examination (CWE) during November/ December 2013 and declared IBPS Clerk result on 1st January 2014. After IBPS CWE Clerk, they have conducted Common Interview for those candidates who have been declared as qualified in online examination.
Now IBPS CWE Clerk-III final results is out on the basis of performance of candidates in Common Written Examination and Common Interview conducted by participating banks. If you want to check your result status follow the link mentioned below.
IBPS Clerk Allotment: Important Notes
Provisional allotment under CWE Clerks-III has been done based on the State/UT wise and categorywise vacancies for 2014-15 for Clerical cadre as furnished by the Participating Organizations (details vide Annexure A). Candidates can view their result status after interview on IBPS website www.ibps.in by entering their Registration Number or Roll Number and Password.
- No change in the data already registered by the candidate in the online application form is possible.
- The said provisional allotment has been done based on merit-cum-preference keeping in view the spirit of various guidelines issued by Govt. of India/Others from time to time, administrative exigency etc.
- A candidate belonging to reserved category, selected on the basis of norms as applicable to General category, has been treated at par with a General category candidate for drawing up the merit list. Such a candidate has not been adjusted against a reserved post. However his/her allotment to an Organisation has been done by treating him/her as if he/she is a reserved category candidate.
- In the event of two or more candidates having obtained the same score, merit order is decided as per date of birth (the candidate senior in age is placed before the candidate junior in age), as per the prevailing practice.
- The provisional allotment is subject to the candidate fulfilling the criteria for Participating Organisations and identity verification to the satisfaction of the allotted organisation. This does not constitute an offer of employment. In case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment process that, the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria his/her candidature/ chance in the process shall stand forfeited.
- Offer of appointment including terms and conditions, formalities for verification, joining etc. will be issued from the allotted Participating Organisation in due course. Decision of the Participating Organisations and shall be final and binding
- The recruitment process/ appointment is solely the purview of the Participating Organisations and shall be final and binding. IBPS has no role in this connection.
- If the candidate does not avail the offer/ appointment from the allotted Participating Organisation his / her candidature / chance in the process shall stand forfeited.
- A list of candidates (State/UT wise in Roll Number order) provisionally allotted on the basis of marks in descending order will be displayed on our website on or before 01.05.2014. However this does not guarantee offer of employment. Decision of Participating organisations shall be final.
- A reserve list to the extent of approximately 10 percent of the vacancies under each category has been kept for each state, subject to the availability of candidates. This does not guarantee allotment to/recruitment by the Participating Organisation(s)/ other financial organisations. In the event of Participating Organisations/ other financial organisations providing vacancies during April 2014-March 2015, provisional allotment will be carried out for the candidates in the reserve list. However if no vacancy is furnished by the Participating Organisations/ other financial organisations owing to exigencies or otherwise during the validity period the candidates under the reserve list will not be considered for allotment. The reserve list will expire automatically on 31.03.2015 without any notice.
- Candidates who are not provisionally allotted or not in the reserve list will not be considered for any further process under CWE Clerks-III for vacancies of 2014-15.
- The State/UT wise and category wise maximum and minimum scores (combined scores in CWE and Interview out of 100) for the provisional allotment and reserve list is indicated in Annexure B.
- The decision of IBPS in allotment of Organisations is final and binding upon the selected candidates. However IBPS reserves the right to cancel, reallot Organisation-wise allocation depending upon exigencies or otherwise.
- No correspondence will be entertained from the candidate about allotment status and/ process.
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