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    Latest 2014 www.sbi.co.in - SBI PO Online Application Form

    Latest 2014 www.sbi.co.in - SBI PO Online Application Form

    www.sbi.co.in - SBI PO Online Application Form: Here is how to apply online for SBI PO Examination 2014. On the one hand SBI PO Notification has been announced and candidates are all set to apply online for SBI Probationary Officers exam on the other. It’s not that hard to fill SBI PO online application form. Candidates with little knowledge of Computer and internet can fill online application for SBI Probationary Officers examination easily. Here in the post below, we have explained how to apply for SBI PO and make online or offline payment for the same.Since, there is no any big changes in SBI PO Eligibility Criteria, so candidates with Graduate Degree are applying for SBI Probationary Officer Examination. Those have doubt regarding SBI PO Recruitment, they should read our previous article where we have cleared every frequently asked questions about SBI Probationary Officers recruitment. Guidelines for filling online application are given below.

    How to Apply Online for SBI PO 2014

    Candidates are required to register themselves online first through Bank’s official website mentioned below. After submission of online application, candidates will have to pay the requisite application fee through online of offline mode.
    SBI PO Online Application Form: Before start filling online application make sure candidates have a valid email address, scanned copy of Photograph and Signature.
    1. Log on to Bank's website www.statebankofindia.com or www.sbi.co.in
    2. Now click on “Recruitment” Section at left sidebar.
    3. Now click on “Recruitment of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India”.
    4. Now open the appropriate Online Application Format available over there.
    5. No fill the application carefully.
    6. Once the application is filled in completely, Submit your application.
    7. When the data is saved, registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen.
    8. Candidates are required to note down the registration number and password.
    9. Once the application is filled in completely, candidate should submit the data and take a printout of the system generated fee payment challan immediately.
    10. Candidates can either make payment through online or offline mode.
    11. Make payment as per the instructions mentioned below.
    12. After payment of application fee, candidates will also have provision to reprint the submitted application containing fee details.
    13. Take print out of the application form and fee receipt for future reference.

    SBI PO Fee Payment:

    Once candidates have registered for SBI PO, they are required to pay the requisite application fee through one of the following Online or Offline mode. Fee payment will be accepted from 2nd working day after registration and can be made within three working days at any branch of State Bank of India. 
    Offline Mode: The system will generate a cash voucher/ challan form pre-printed with the candidate’s details which will be required to be presented at any State Bank of India counter with the requisite fee. On payment of the requisite fee through computer generated challan form, registration of the online application will be complete.
    Online Mode: The payment can be made by debit card/ credit card/ internet banking.

    Note: Candidates who have been registered online on the last day of registration i.e. on 25-04-2014 and opted for offline payment will be required to remit the fee on 28-04-2014 positively. System generated fee payment challan will be used for depositing fee. Once fee paid, the registration process is completed. Candidate will receive registration confirmation by SMS/ e-mail after three working days from the date of payment of fees. Please ensure to furnish correct Mobile number / e-mail address to receive the registration confirmation. Three days after fee payment, candidates will also have provision to reprint the submitted application containing fee details. The printout of the application form and fee receipt should be retained with the candidate. 

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